2021 Virtual Plenary Session and Annual General Meeting

Tuesday 13 - Tuesday 13 April 2021 Virtual Meeting

“Exploring the Evolution of the Extinction Accounting Field and Identifying New Pathways for Research”

With plenary speaker:

Professor Jill Atkins, University of Sheffield

Time: 15.30-17.00

Dear IPSIG Colleagues,

The Interdisciplinary Perspectives Special Interest Group (IPSIG) is pleased to announce its plenary session will be delivered by Professor Jill Atkins, Sheffield University Management School, and is entitled “Exploring the Evolution of the Extinction Accounting Field and Identifying New Pathways for Research".

The event will take place during the BAFA virtual annual conference, on Tuesday 13 April 2021, at 15:30-16:30 (UK time).

The plenary session will be followed by the IPSIG's Annual General Meeting (AGM) at 16:30. All IPSIG members are welcome to attend the AGM. During the AGM, members will be asked to participate in three voting polls. Please see below details about each vote and links to information for IPSIG members to access prior to voting:

1. The voting in of Professor Lynn Hodgkinson as the IPSIG's new Treasurer. Information about Lynn can be found by following this link: Information about IPSIG's officers.

2. Approval of IPSIG's financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2020. The financial statements will be circulated during the AGM.

3. Approval of IPSIG's new constitution. Members can access a copy of the proposed new constitution by following this link: New constitution.

Further details about the plenary session and AGM are available on BAFA's online conference platform.

We hope to see you there!

BAFA conferences are only available to members. To register for the event, log in to your account at and click the 'Purchase Tickets' button. Select the appropriate ticket for the event you want to attend, and follow instructions. If you are not already a member of BAFA, please sign up for membership at

A recording of the plenary can be accessed here: