32nd Audit & Assurance Conference

Thursday 6 - Friday 7 May 2021

The 32nd Audit & Assurance Conference, organised by the Auditing Special Interest Group (SIG) of the British Accounting & Finance Association (BAFA), will be held at Aston University, Aston Business School, Conference Aston, Birmingham, United Kingdom on 5–6 May 2022. The conference organisation is supported by Aston University Business School.

The conference aims to provide a forum which: i) allows faculty from higher education establishments to meet and exchange ideas and experiences, ii) encourages the discussion of educational objectives and teaching methodologies within auditing courses, and iii) promotes the dissemination of current research and professional practice in auditing and assurance, and auditing education. The conference offers a unique mix of distinguished expert speakers in the areas of auditing and assurance (incl. audit education) and it provides highlights of the latest unpublished academic research on auditing and assurance. The conference also addresses critical auditing issues arising from the recent discussions and developments by various international regulatory bodies.

The conference has been successfully held at venues around the UK or Ireland for the past 31 years and attracts a mix of international academic and professional speakers. Due to the Covid-10 pandemic, the last two years we were forced to hold the conference virtually, with over 100 attendees from all over the world attending.

The conference organising committee is accepting papers in any area of auditing and assurance research (including audit education and pedagogy). The international Audit & Assurance conference has been the premier event for academics and non- academic delegates who wish to hear powerful keynote non-academic speakers and international academic presenters, representing the auditing academia globally, accounting professionals in practice and in business, and the standard setters and regulatory bodies. As every year, the conference would provide critical exposure to significant emergent research, as well as addressing today’s current issues and trends in the worldwide arena.



This event is supported by ICAEW’s Charitable Trusts. We are also grateful for the generous support of Aston University Business School.



You can register with the conference using the following website:

Registration is at :

(long address:

Information about the conference is below. This is a work-in-progress at the moment. The conference programme would be available very shortly.

You can use the above conference sway webpage for registration and payment information, finding information about accommodation in the hotels suggested, and finding travel details to the venue in Birmingham. Limited accommodation is provided in the same building that the conference takes place. Availability is on a first come first serve basis and cannot be guaranteed until confirmation from the Audit SIG.

Submission Information—Closed

Paper submission date: January 28, 2022

Please consider submitting a paper or attending the conference (especially if you are planning to attend the European Accounting Association conference in Bergen, Norway that is held few days later). Papers should be submitted to ilias G Basioudis at the email:

All submitted papers will undergo a blind review process. 

The conference has been sponsored since its inception by various accounting bodies, our current sponsors being the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW), and Audit Analytics. Their support has been invaluable through the years.


If you would like to receive more information about the conference and the activities of the Auditing Special Interest Group, please contact the Chairman of the Auditing Group (ASIG), ilias G Basioudis (Aston Business School, Aston University, Accounting Group, Birmingham, UK, email: