Constitution of the BAFA Accounting Education Special Interest Group
Name: British Accounting and Finance Association Accounting Education Special Interest Group (hereafter, Special Interest Group).
Purpose: The purpose of the Special Interest Group is to further the objects of the British Accounting and Finance Association by pursuing its aims and objectives:
- encouraging and supporting research and scholarship in accounting education;
- supporting a network of researchers and teachers in accounting education;
- encouraging adoption of approaches to teaching and learning of accounting that are perceived to enhance the teaching of accounting;
- providing support for doctoral students in accounting education;
- developing and maintaining close links with accounting educators within the UK and Ireland and further afield, both individually and through equivalent organisations in other countries including the USA, Australia, and South Africa;
- communicating to support engagement activities with stakeholders;
- developing and maintaining close links with the accounting profession so as to (i) inform their policies on accounting education and, (ii) be informed of any changes to those policies that are relevant to accounting educators;
- organising conferences and workshops relevant to accounting educators;
- providing a forum for interaction of ideas among accounting educators; and,
- maintaining relationships with the British Accounting and Finance Association, its sub-groups, and other equivalent bodies.
Management Structure: The activities of the Special Interest Group shall be the responsibility of an Executive Board. The Executive Board consists of:
- Chairperson
- Vice Chairperson
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Conference Co-ordinator
- Immediate past chairperson
- Host of the next annual conference
- Chairperson of the British Accounting and Finance Association (ex-officio)
- General Secretary of the British Accounting and Finance Association (ex-officio)
Other members can be elected where a post is deemed necessary. The role of secretary and the role of treasurer can be combined and held by one person (who is not also the chairperson) where this is considered by the membership of the Special Interest Group to be desirable. In addition, the Executive Board may co-opt up to five members.
The Executive Board shall have the power to delegate as it sees fit.
The members of the Executive Board (with the exception of ex-officio members) shall be elected by the British Accounting and Finance Association Accounting Education Special Interest Group at its Annual General Meeting (AGM).
The term of Office of the Host of the next annual conference runs for 1 year from the AGM of the immediately previous conference until the end of the conference he or she is hosting. All other members of the Executive Board, including co-opted members, shall serve for three years from the AGM at which they are elected; and are eligible for re-election.
All members of the Executive Board shall be eligible to vote at meetings. Decisions of the Executive Board shall be by simple majority of those attending or, in the event of a tie, the Chairperson shall have the casting vote.
Meetings of the Executive Board shall be held not less than once per annum. The meetings may be face-to-face or virtual.
Reasonable expenses of the Executive Board members in attending meetings can be met from the available funds of the Special Interest Group.
The Financial Report of the Special Interest Group shall be prepared annually covering the financial year 1 January to 31 December. They shall be independently examined according to the requirements of the Independent Examiner of the British Accounting and Finance Association’s Annual Accounts; and approved by the Executive Board of the Special Interest Group, before being delivered to the Treasurer of the British Accounting and Finance Association by 31 January next following the end of the financial year.
The Financial Report comprises of an Income Statement covering all of the income and expenditure of the Special Interest Group (including conference-related gross income and expenditure) for the reporting period; and where the Special Interest Group has any assets and/or liabilities, a Balance Sheet.
The Financial Report shall be presented for noting by members of the Special Interest Group during the AGM following its delivery to the Treasurer of the British Accounting and Finance Association.
Resolutions put to meetings, including the AGM, will require a proposer and seconder and can be passed by a simple majority of those attending. Such resolutions shall be binding on the Executive Board, who otherwise have the power to conduct the affairs of the Special Interest Group in line with its aims and objectives. However, the Special Interest Group is not empowered to enter into any form of contract that binds the British Accounting and Finance Association, or that may result in the incurring of liabilities by or for the British Accounting and Finance Association beyond the funds available within the Special Interest Group, without the written approval of the Trustees of the British Accounting and Finance Association. Such written approval should be sought via the General Secretary of the British Accounting and Finance Association.
The Special Interest Group has the power to raise money through sponsorship or other means in pursuit of its objectives.
Membership of the Special Interest Group will be open only to members of the British Accounting and Finance Association. All members of the British Accounting and Finance Association are eligible for membership of the Special Interest Group.
The proceedings of the Executive Board and of the AGM shall be reported to the Executive Committee of the British Accounting and Finance Association at the earliest available opportunity.
Amendments to this constitution may be made by a simple majority of members voting in the AGM but are then subject to the approval of the Executive Committee of the British Accounting and Finance Association.