Title and Status
The title of the Committee shall be the Committee of Departments of Accounting & Finance and it shall be a Standing Committee of the British Accounting & Finance Association.
The objectives of the Committee shall be to further the objects of the British Accounting & Finance Association and for that purpose to consider such matters as are referred to it by the Executive Committee of the British Accounting & Finance Association and in particular to:
- Promote accounting & finance education and research;
- Promote and develop best practice in academic management, funding and operational matters;
- Consult with, and make recommendations to, appropriate bodies;
- Liaise with CPAF on matters of joint concern; and,
- Promote a sense of community.
Membership of the Committee shall be open to:
- All Heads of Accounting & Finance or equivalent, (which in the case of institutions where there is no separately constituted “Department of Accounting” or “Department of Finance” specifically designated “Head of Accounting” or “Head of Finance” could be the leader/senior member of an accounting sub-group holding an appointment other than at Head of Department level), in institutions of Higher Education; provided that in the case of non-University HE Institutions, the academic programme includes the provision of an undergraduate degree in the subject discipline of accounting;
- Such other persons who are members of the British Accounting & Finance Association as a General Meeting shall admit, upon the recommendation of the Executive Board of the Committee of Heads of Accounting;
- Institutions may if they so choose, nominate in addition to their principal representative (defined as in (a) (i) above) a named alternate for the purpose of attendance at meetings, provided that all correspondence will be conducted with the principal representative and only one set of papers in respect of meetings will be issued;
- All members of the Committee and where nominated named alternates, must be individual members of the British Accounting & Finance Association.
General Meetings
There shall be an Annual General Meeting. There shall be other such General Meetings as may be requested by seven members in writing to the Secretary. There shall be other such General Meetings as may be called by the Executive Board.
The Executive Board
The membership of the Executive Board shall be:
- the Chairperson, the Vice-Chairperson, the Secretary and the Treasurer, who shall be Officers of the Committee;
- up to three ordinary members elected by the Annual General Meeting for a two-year term of office;
- the immediate past Chairperson for a period of one year following his/her final year of office;
- the Chairperson and the General Secretary of the British Association, ex-officio;
- up to two other members co-opted by the Executive Board on an annual basis.
The Executive Board shall take action on behalf of the Committee between General Meetings in accordance with the objects of the Committee and policies agreed from time to time by the General Meeting. The Executive Board shall use its discretion regarding the publishing of documents and statements; when a document or statement is issued by the Executive Board it should make clear whether or not it has been endorsed by a General Meeting.
The Executive Board shall report its business to the Executive Committee of the British Accounting & Finance Association and to the Annual General Meeting of the Committee, and shall liaise as appropriate with the Executive Board of the Conference of Professors of Accounting & Finance. The Chairperson shall be an ex-officio member of the Executive Committee of the British Accounting & Finance Association. The activities of the Executive Board shall be subject to review by the Executive Committee of the British Accounting & Finance Association.
Elections and Periods of Service of Executive Board Members
The Chairperson shall be nominated by the Executive Board and elected at the Annual General Meeting to serve for a period of two years. The Chairperson shall be eligible for re-election, but shall not normally be eligible to serve for more than two consecutive terms of office.
The Vice-Chairperson shall be nominated by the Executive Board and elected at the Annual General Meeting to serve for a period of two years. The Vice-Chairperson shall be eligible for re-election, but shall not normally be eligible to serve for more than two consecutive terms of office.
The Secretary shall be appointed by the Executive Board, normally from amongst its members, to serve for a period of two years, and shall be eligible for re-appointment. The appointment shall be reported to the next General Meeting. Exceptionally the Executive Board may appoint a Secretary who is not already a member of the Executive Board or member of the Committee.
The Treasurer shall be appointed by the Executive Board, normally from amongst its members, to serve for a period of two years, and shall be eligible for re-appointment. The appointment shall be reported to the next General Meeting. Exceptionally the Executive Board may appoint a Treasurer who is not already a member of the Executive Board or member of the Committee.
Vacancies among Ordinary Members shall be filled by election at the Annual General Meeting on the nomination, duly seconded, of any member of the Committee. Ordinary Members shall be elected to serve for a period of two years and shall be eligible for re-election.
The Executive Board may co-opt up to two members of the Committee on an annual basis for a maximum of three consecutive years. A former elected or appointed member of the Executive Board shall be eligible for co-option.
The Executive Board may appoint or co-opt to fill any casual vacancy.
The rate, or rates, of annual membership subscription shall be as prescribed by the Annual General Meeting of the Committee on the recommendation of the Executive Board.
All receipts shall be banked in an account in the name of the Committee, and all cheques drawn on that account will comply with the agreed process requirements of the Bank for Treasury Accounts.
All income of the Committee shall be applied solely towards the objects of the Committee and no portion thereof shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way of profit to the members of the Committee, provided that nothing herein shall prevent the payment in good faith of the reimbursement of expenses incurred on behalf of the Committee to any Officer or member of the Committee.
The Executive Board shall present an independently examined statement of accounts to the Annual General Meeting of the Committee, and to the Executive Committee of the British Accounting & Finance Association.
Amendments to the Constitution
The provisions of this Constitution shall govern the organisation and administration of the Committee until such time as they may be amended by the Executive Committee of the British Accounting & Finance Association.