Vacancy: BAFA Scottish Area Group (BAFA Scotland)

There are several opportunities open for volunteers to work with BAFA. We accept self-nominations and nominations from friends/colleagues for posts. Please do not be too modest or wait to be asked – your interest in any of these positions would be very much welcomed.

BAFA Scottish Area Group (BAFA Scotland)

BAFA Scotland invites expressions of interest and nominations for the following posts to serve on the on our executive committee.

  • Chairperson
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer


The Chairperson is responsible for leading BAFA Scotland including initiating and managing the overall direction of the group, overseeing the implementation of agreed policies and strategies, and ensuring that the affairs of the group are conducted in a manner that complies with the policies and practices of BAFA. The Chairperson chairs group meetings and represents the group on the main BAFA Executive.


The Secretary performs the required formal record production and records management role of BAFA Scotland. This includes taking the minutes of executive meetings and general meetings. The secretary is also responsible, in association with the Chairperson, for formal communications and dealing with constitutional issues.


The main duty of the Treasurer is to prepare the annual accounts and present these to members at the AGM. The accounts are a simplified format and are consolidated in the overall BAFA financial statements. Banking and invoicing are carried out by the BAFA Administrator, who provides information to the Treasurer for the purpose of accounting. The Treasurer also takes the lead in budgeting for events and monitoring event income and expenditure. Currently two annual events are held: a doctoral colloquium and a one-day conference.

BAFA Scotland

The executive committee meets 4-6 times a year, currently online. We aim to organise a doctoral colloquium and annual conference each year to encourage and support research in accounting and finance. In 2024 we held a successful one day conference in the University of Dundee.

How to Apply

If you are interested in this role, please provide an up-to-date CV and a brief statement (not more than 300 words) indicating your motivation for the role. You will need to be a member of BAFA and of BAFA Scotland if you are selected. Each appointment would be ratified at the next AGM of BAFA Scotland and would be for a three year period.

Applications should be submitted before 12:00 (noon) on Friday, 28 February 2025 and sent to:

Yvonne Joyce (Chair)

Lynn Bradley (Secretary)

They can also be contacted if you have any queries about the roles or BAFA Scotland.

Appointments are made under our Diversity and Inclusion Policy and are overseen by our Diversity and Inclusion Monitoring Committee.