RE-ADVERTISEMENT: Vacancies for BAFA Non-Executive Trustees and Social Media Officer

There are several opportunities open for volunteers to work with BAFA. We accept self-nominations and nominations from friends/colleagues for posts. Please do not be too modest or wait to be asked – your interest in any of these positions would be very much welcomed. You must be a member of BAFA to apply for these roles.

1. Non-executive Trustees

We are looking for two Non-Executive Trustees to serve from 1 May 2024. Appointments are usually for a period of two years and appointees may stand for re-election for two further terms, if they wish.

The Board of Trustees is responsible for the proper conduct of the association’s affairs, within the provisions of BAFA’s Constitution and of resolutions passed by the Annual Meeting. These responsibilities include the overall direction of the association, overseeing the implementation of agreed policies and strategies, and ensuring that the affairs of the association are conducted in a manner that complies with UK charity law. The Board comprises four Non-Executive Trustees together with the Executive President, Vice-President, General Secretary and Treasurer. One of the Non-Executive Trustees chairs the Board, which normally meets twice a year.

Applications close on 19 March 2024.

Please do not be too modest: if you think you could be willing and able to take on the role, we encourage you to contact our current chair of trustees, Ruth King ( for a discussion and/or to register your interest.

2. BAFA Social Media Officer

To identify, establish, design, maintain, co-ordinate, analyse and enhance BAFA’s work and presence across social media. To collate, check, verify, disseminate and promote the activities of BAFA and its Sub-Groups through its social media channels with a specific focus on promoting BAFA’s activities and image, whilst being highly conscious of sensitivities and reputational risks, such as copyright, and social media backlash issues.

Key Responsibilities

  • To work closely with the core BAFA executives (President, Vice-President, General Secretary), administrators and the wider BAFA subgroups to develop social media strategy. 
  • To plan and monitor on the effectiveness of BAFA social media activities, making recommendations on changes to be made based on outcomes achieved on a continuous basis.
  • To increase the use of social media and related opportunities within the work of all BAFA subgroups so that it supports their needs and wider BAFA aims and membership.
  • To develop creative and engaging plans for all our social media channels (X, LinkedIn, and YouTube).
  • To explore and launch BAFA’s presence on new social media channels as they gain popularity amongst our target audiences and wider BAFA membership. This may include exploring relevant social media that BAFA does not currently exist on (e.g.,Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, WeChat, etc), as well as explore and launch new social media platforms, as they emerge over time.
  • To manage the day-to-day handling of all BAFA social media channels and oversee, plan, receive, verify and deliver/publish content across different platforms and delivering any additional activities to enhance BAFA Social Media presence and engagements.
  • To manage and facilitate social media communities by responding to social media posts and developing discussions.
  • To monitor, track, analyse and report regularly on performance on social media platforms using tools such as Facebook insights.
  • To manage sensitivity and reputational risks (e.g., avoiding copyright, partisanship, politics, religion, and other protected characteristics issues, etc) on social media, advising the core
  • BAFA executives of any risks or emerging ones so that they can help mitigate them.
  • To continuously recommend improvements to increase performance.

Other responsibilities as may be mutually agreed with BAFA executive (i.e., BAFA President).

Person Specification

  • Awareness of, interest in, and familiarity with social media communication, including social media platforms. In particular, experience in the use of social media for personal or professional use (e.g., LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok, YouTube) and ideally, social media management tools will be an advantage.
  • Excellent verbal, written and interpersonal communication skills.
  • Excellent content-writing and editing skills. Ability to deliver, monitor and report on social media.
  • Excellent IT skills including knowledge of the Microsoft Office suite.
  • Creative thinker, proactive, self-motivated and decisive.
  • A proactive, flexible and friendly manner with an ability to build and maintain strong, mutually respectful relationships with internal colleagues and external partners, as well as good team-working skills.
  • Keen attention to detail and propensity to learn new social media applications quickly with a high level of competence.
  • Sensitivity and empathy to our members, stakeholders and wider publics, for example, when, drafting social media posts and answering post questions/private messages.
  • Passionate and driven in striving to support BAFA’s mission and vision of advancing education and research in accounting and finance.

Similar to all BAFA roles, there are no financial rewards. This is a volunteering role, whereby the usual relevant and reasonable expenses can be claimed. By contrast, it offers opportunity to support BAFA’s work, as well as serve the larger accounting and finance academic community in the UK and beyond.

Applications close on 19 March 2024.

Download the full description for this position

Appointments are made under our Diversity and Inclusion Policy and are overseen by our Diversity and Inclusion Monitoring Committee.