CALL FOR PAPERS: BAFA Scotland 2023 Doctoral Colloquium
Deadline: 13 November 2023
BAFA Scotland is pleased to invite you to a one-day, in-person colloquium on Friday, 24 November 2023 dedicated to PGR students studying at Scottish institutions in the disciplines of accounting and finance. The colloquium will be hosted by Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, and aims to give PGRs an opportunity to present their work, obtain feedback from other PGRs and faculty prior to journal or thesis submission, and network.
We are now inviting submissions of original papers from all areas of accounting and finance and employing all manner of research methodologies and methods. Submissions may include extended abstracts, early working drafts, fully developed papers, or shorter pieces from within the PhD thesis.
PGR students’ supervisors are also warmly welcomed to attend to support their students, as are PGRs who do not wish to present at this time but still wish to attend and network.
Prizes will be awarded at the end of the day for the Best Paper presented and Best Discussant.