Past Events

Launch Event for the BAFA-CPAF Research Mentoring Scheme Photo

Launch Event for the BAFA-CPAF Research Mentoring Scheme

We will be holding the official launch event for our Research Mentoring Scheme on 10 November 2020 from 11:00 to 12:00 (GMT). Dr Hilary Lindsay, former president of the ICAEW (2016-17) and Honorary Associate of the Open University, will be presenting her Researching Accountant Development Framework.

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2020 BAFA Distinguished Academic Plenary Photo

2020 BAFA Distinguished Academic Plenary

Our first 2020 BAFA Distinguished Academic Plenary will take place at 14:00 (UK time) on Wednesday, 23 September 2020 with Professor Brennan addressing the topic of “Connecting Earnings Management to the Real World: What happens in the black box of the boardroom?”

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