Distinguished Academic Award

It is intended that the Distinguished Academic Award (DAA) should be made annually to an individual who has made a substantial and direct contribution to UK academic accounting and finance life. Such contributions could have been received through research, teaching and public service. It should be noted that research contributions are not the only form of distinction recognised, although it is likely that it is a highly important form. The award will normally only be given to an individual who has spent a substantial amount of time in his or her academic career within a higher education institution within the UK. The award can only be made once to any given individual.

BAFA will seek nominations for this award from its membership in the autumn of each year. Each year a sub-committee will consider the nominations, together with any other names it sees fit to consider. The sub-committee will then make a recommendation, along with a brief report on the process followed, to the BAFA Executive Committee as to whom the award should be made. Normally, the sub-committee would comprise the current President, the current Vice-President, the General Secretary, one of the current editors of the British Accounting Review, plus one other member of the Executive Committee. The award would then be made at the following BAFA Annual Conference, subject to the individual concerned agreeing to accept the award.

The current award stands at £1,000. The monetary size of the award will be reviewed each year by the BAFA Executive Committee.

The chief responsibility of the award-holder is to present the paper during one of the plenary sessions at the BAFA Annual Conference subsequent to the Annual Conference at which the award is given. Subject to appropriate editing, it is expected that the paper presented will appear, as an invited paper, in the British Accounting Review in the March issue of the calendar year following presentation. Given this responsibility, it will normally (although not inevitably) be the case that the award will be given to a currently active academic.

The award has been made so far to:

Lisa Jack (2023)
Shahzad Uddin (2022).
Michael Jones (2021)
Gloria Agyemang (2020)

Ian Thomson (2019)
Niamh Brennan (2018)

Ian Tonks (2017)
Jeffrey Unerman (2016)
Christopher Nobes (2015)
Christopher Humphrey (2014)
Jan Bebbington (2013)
Philip Molyneux (2012)
Vivien Beattie (2011)
Keith Hoskin
Richard Macve (2009)
Jane Broadbent (2008)
Martin Walker (2007)
Peter Pope (2006)
Richard Laughlin (2005)
Pauline Weetman (2004)
Bob Scapens (2003)
Andrew Stark (2002)
David Otley (2001)
Rob Gray (2000)
Tony Lowe (1999)
Michael Bromwich (1998)
Anthony Hopwood (1997)
Bob Parker (1996)
Ken Peasnell (1995)
Geoff Whittington (1994)